English Wikireality/Wikireality:Administrators

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Wikireality Administration is a group of Wikireality users which has necessary "extended" rights to perform maintenance tasks. Users obtain these rights after obtaining the administrative flags: guard (or watchman, from рус. смотритель‎, pron. smotritel'), referee (or expert), wizard (or master) and olsysop (or senior administrator (previous label of flag), or executioner, from рус. распорядитель‎, pron. rasporyaditel').

User with administrative flag has no advantage upon other users, excluding sphere of usage of this flag. Executioners and Ruling Council are performing control over the activity of members of Administration.

Rights and obligations

In Wikireality there is a realization of a partition of sysop flag on 4 administrative groups, using instead of it. Membership in each one of them allows to perform an actions in determined sphere of project work. List of the technical rights is written on this special page. Sphere of usage is written on this page in specified subsections.

Using the extended rights in the cases that not allowed in this rule is not recommended and will lead to taking the technical flag off in case of systematic violations with evil thoughts.

Rules allow to use more than one techical flag in one time, but the more flags you have, the more responsibility you have to take: in case of systematic violations with evil thoughts or using the flag in the cases that not allowed in this rule one or more flags could be speedy taken off after discussion of community or by decision of the Ruling Council.

Administrators are not allowed to wheel warring (use their extended rights for reinstalling an actions, that were reverted by other administrators, doing it three or more times). In case of Administrators' War start, Ruling Council warns the sides of the conflict, in case of continuation it have right to take off technical flags from one or both sides until investigation ends and the final decision will be announce.





Original sysop flag

Sysops can do the administrative actions, such as:

  • vandal fighting: reverting vandal edits, temporary blocking of vandal accounts and IPs;
  • helping new users;
  • closing debates like the deletion discussions, featuring of articles and pictures, review of previous XfDs);
  • warning or blocking of users who willingfully violate rules and policies;
  • reviewing requests to administrators;
  • intervention in case of edit wars and conflicts;
  • technical support, maintenance of MediaWiki engine and improvement of templates;
  • project forums and services maintenance — подведение итогов в случае, если итоги не подводятся своевременно, archiving, special pages maintenance;
  • установления порядка, достижения стабильности работы проекта, создания комфортной обстановки редакторам и читателям;
  • присвоение и снятие с участников «editor» flag.
  • присвоение себе bot flag для совершения множественных действий по обслуживанию проекта.

User with administrative flag has none privileges in project management and has no rights to use his/her extended rights and abilities for POV-pushing.

Nowdays (20 04 2024) in Wikireality 12 guards, 12 referees, 1 wizard, 3 executioners and 6 administrators.

Requests for administative flags

If you wish to obtain one of the the administrative flags, make a request on Wikireality:User rights page. Flags could be granted by Executioners (olsysop) or Ruling Council (bureaucrat).